Monday 6 October 2014

Start of research

Social Group
Teenage Mothers

How are teenage mothers presented in the media?

Media One
Tv Shows

  • Text one; Eastenders - Cindy and Lola, how are they represented? what do they wear? how do they speak? how are they different from eachother
  • Text two; Jeremy Kyle
  • Text three; Glee - Quinn Fabray
  • Text four; Coronation Street
Media Two
  • Text one; DailyMail articles 
  • Text two; The Mirror
  • Text three; The Telegraph
  • Text four; The Guardian 


Teenage girls - some underage, some legal

A lot of stereotypes come from the older generation that see them in a certain way - normally bad

The stereotypes are normally represented as young girls, who have had a fling with a boy and now want to raise the baby on their own - some are seen as 'chavy' and others are the opposite and come from a well off family who's parents either disagree or love the fact they are pregnant - there is no in between


Eastenders - BBC
Coronation Street - ITV
Jeremy Kyle - ITV
Glee - Fox Network

Daily Mail
The Independent
The Sun
The Sunday Times


They appear as characters that are involved

They normally appear as stories


There has always been teenage pregnancies, just in this day and age it is more respectable then it was in the past. In the past teenage girls would normally have to hide that they were pregnant until they had the baby, then the baby would be sent to adoption as the parents wouldn't feel that they were ready to bring the baby up.

In this day, teenagers tend to have more sex education then they did in the past, but there tends to be more girls about with their babies because it isn't seen as such a bad thing - although many people still don't agree with teenage pregnancies, especially those who have been brought up to believe that getting pregnant young is a bad thing.


They believe that teenagers need to be taught a thoroughly comprehensive sex education which entails the rudiments of the male and female sexual anatomy and it's functions. In addition, it is strongly imperative that teenagers receive safe sex and contraceptive education. They need to be given such choices aside from abstinence only sex education.

They believe that teenagers do it for different reasons.

They believe that there are different types of parents - those who chuck their daughters out to defend for themselves because they don't agree with the situation, those who feel their daughter disgraced them by becoming a parent, those who compel their daughter to marry the father of the child, those who compel their daughter to obtain abortion (some opinions are that the teenage is not ready, others are that there is no choice she is not keeping it), those who except the pregnancy and raise the child as their own and those who feel that everyone makes mistakes and that they understand that she wants to raise the child. -


Feminists think that it is too young to have children and people should create alternative options for teens - especially for those whom this isn't legitimately a choice.  

Feminists certainly support options that make being pregnant and a teen easier on them - regardless of the ultimate choice they make (e.g. abortion, adoption, delivery etc) like the rights to continue your education, adequate health care, affordable child care etc.

Character Theory
Teenage mothers ;

  • sluts
  • chavs
  • benefits
  • poor
  • lonely
  • spoilt
  • struggles with child

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